How To Follow Through on Big Scary Goals
Hey guess what! This month, I proudly received my Chief Scout Award. #Goals Yah!
If you don’t know what I mean, it’s the highest award you can receive in Scouting in Canada. It’s equivalent to the Eagle Scout Award in the USA… for scouts who have “exemplified the principles of Scouting through their leadership, their voluntary service to their community and their outdoor skills.”
Wait a sec… does this sound like I’m bragging? What does this have to do with ADHD?
Well, the fact is that three years ago, I gave up on Scouts. I quit. Even though I loved being outdoors, exploring and doing big community service projects, I just didn’t think I could be successful.
I barely tolerated scout meetings, so I gave up. Even though deep down, I really wanted to be great at scouting.
Fast forward another year and the opportunity to join Scouts came up again. I really wanted to earn the Chief Scout Award, but… it was a big scary goal, and I almost passed on it.
When I learned how much paperwork was involved in the Chief Scout Award, it scared me and made me think I could never do it. (Is it just me, or would you rather build a fire than write notes about it?)
Also I struggled with sitting around, figuring things out, getting along, doing as I’m told, paying attention, keeping notes and records, all the things you are “supposed” to be able to do to earn this prestigious award.
I figured I could never do it.
Then… I did it.
And here’s how you can do it, too.
Do you ever want to achieve a big goal? Does it scare you?
Here’s what I know now about going after a big goal.
I think this happens to lots of kids with ADHD. We get ideas, and want to go after goals. But then we just give up and miss out. I hope my experience will help you stick to your goals, and go after your dreams too.
1. Tell Someone Your Goal
This time, I let the adults in my life know what I wanted to achieve… and asked for their help in getting there. I wouldn’t have stuck with figuring out all the requirements and organizing everything on my own.
I enjoyed Scouts this time around largely because I had a leader who saw past my ADHD and my inattention to paperwork. Instead, they knew my goal and actually helped me get there.
There was a group of five of us working together to earn our Chief Scout Awards. Everyone in our group had something they were dealing with, but together we got it done to the best of OUR ability. We just let each other contribute what they could. It didn’t have to be equal.
2. Don’t Give Up on the Goals You Really Want
It’s not easy to go after a big goal. I could have earned my award 2 full years ago — but I didn’t do the paperwork or get help with the paperwork until this year.
However, I knew it was a goal I really wanted to go after. I came back to Scouts because I loved doing the things we did in Scouts. When I didn’t do Scouts, I missed it. When I decided to go after the Chief Scout Award, I felt really great about it. So it was worth it.
3. Map Out Small Steps To Success
It is extremely hard for kids like us with ADHD to finish things. We get bored and move onto other stuff that’s more interesting. Fortunately my mom kept bringing me back to my original goal of getting this award and broke down the steps into manageable small projects. It helped me stay on track, and persevere.
4. Keep Your Eye on the Goal
Earning the Chief Scout Award means that I did what it took to be the very best in something. And it paid off. Now I have an award that will be recognized for the rest of my life.
“Is there someone in your family that needs help with something important to them?”
For the Chief Scout Award I needed volunteer hours and was able to use some of the time I have put into building ADHD kids Rock — which I know helps lots of other kids with ADHD and that is pretty much the spirit of the award. So — thanks for supporting & reading my site!
Going after a big goal can be scary… but get support staying on track and don’t give up. The end results are worth it.
Hey, if you are struggling to earn something that is important but it’s hard, tell someone your goal and get them to help you figure out how to achieve it. You can even start here… tell me about your big goal in the comments.
~ jeff
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